
11 November 2010

02 November 2010


I'll be bringing this up at rehearsal tomorrow night, but wanted to post it on here first to give you a chance to think about it first.

If I were to videotape myself playing/singing each voice part separately for new pieces, and then post those videos on YouTube, would you utilize that resource to practice on your own outside of regular rehearsals?  Ponder this, and we'll discuss tomorrow night.

13 August 2010

Wanted: Altos!

With Melanie's departure to college, we're left a little thin in the alto section.  I plan on making a couple of announcements during services, as well as having written a blurb for the August newsletter, but if any of you could help out with the alto search, it would be much appreciated.  I'm not totally sure who within the church would be interested/able to help out, but it doesn't hurt to ask around a bit.  I do have Plans B and C if we can't find at least one new alto, but obviously this plan would be preferable.

23 July 2010


I've posted the schedule for September and October.  Just click above, on the tab called "Schedule" to see what's coming up.

04 July 2010


Hello all!

In the interests of easier communication, I'm starting this blog as a way for all choir members to become aware of important events, as well as the performance schedule and repertoire.  Please check here frequently for updated information.

Reminder: Beginning this fall, rehearsals will be on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays, still at 7:30 pm. 

The first rehearsal will be on September 1, and the first Sunday we are in the loft will be September 5.

I've purchased several new pieces for the upcoming year, including new Thanksgiving, Lent, Palm Sunday, and Easter pieces.  I'm quite excited about them, and I think you will be too.  If you'd like a quick preview of them, just ask some Sunday and I'd be happy to show you.

Keep singing!